Please complete the Sacrament Request Form below for any child(ren) attending a Catholic School other than OLGC Parish School and who desire(s) to receive Preparation for First Reconciliation & First Communion or Formation for Year 1 Holy Confirmation (typically occurs in Grade 5 with Year 2 Confirmation formation typically completed in Grade 6 through OLGC's EDGE program. Please register above for EDGE).
Please e-mail Amy Wyss or Kate Shortal with questions.
Montessori methodology (hands-on) religious formation for children in which they grow in their love of Jesus and their desire to follow Him.
Please Note: for 2nd graders, CGS will include First Reconciliation/Communion Prep.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a contemplative, montessori approach to faith formation for children. Participants live out their relationship with God through learning the Scriptures and using liturgical and Biblical narrative models. CGS was developed by Scripture scholar and Montessori educator, Sophia Cavalletti, in the 1950’s and 60’s. Cavalletti worked with the understanding that young children already have a relationship with the Lord, which she believed the catechist guides and helps to deepen. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd scaffolds Biblical, Liturgical, and Contemplative content to be in harmony with a child’s natural development. CGS at Our Lady of Good Counsel meets weekly and in person at the church.
Catechesis For the Whole Family
CONNECT Catechesis is a hybrid model, where families meet in person at the Church about twice per month, then work at home handing on the faith the other 1-2 weeks per month. During in person sessions, children meet with catechists and peers for grade level catechesis, while parents participate in small group discussions and receive presentations about content and practicals for handing on the faith within the home. CONNECT also incorporates All Family Catechesis Nights, where faith formation partners with ministries in the department of evangelical charity to share the faith by offering service opportunities for the whole family and bless the surrounding community.
To view content from last year's parent formation, please visit the CONNECT Parent Formation Page.
A middle school youth group that is a faith-filled, fun, and relationship-building ministry anchored in the love and teachings of Jesus.
Please Note: If you desire 6th-8th Grade Confirmation Prep, please be sure to select the EDGE with Confirmation Prep option when you register.
The Order of Christian Initiation for Children is a process of preparing children who are seeking baptism or other sacraments at times or ages other than when sacramental preparation typically occurs. Becoming Catholic is an individualized process that involves learning with peers, learning about Jesus, and experiencing liturgical rites at the Mass. The process is structured to prepare children for receiving the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and/or Eucharist, and also introduce families to continuing faith formation opportunities at Our Lady of Good Counsel.
Supporting the domestic church.
Enables families to teach their children the Catholic Faith at home using the Bible along with lessons, resources for parent and child, service opportunities, and catechists’ support
Please Note: for 2nd graders, homeschool will include First Reconciliation/Communion Prep.
Our Lady of Good Counsel offers support to families who teach faith formation in the home. We provide a curriculum for homeschool faith formation, as well as a support team for families, who pray for families and offer monthly check-ins to assist with materials or other questions that may arise.
OLGC is delighted to offer faith formation for persons with special needs. We have an experienced team of catechists who lead and assist with special needs catechesis, through supporting inclusion in CONNECT grade level sessions, individualized instruction, and materials for hands-on learning of the faith and sacramental preparation. Please contact the DF office for more information.
The group meets weekly from October through April. The structure and content is based on Lifeteen, which is a dynamic Catholic resource subscription. The group covers a variety of topics all in an effort to lead teens closer to Jesus Christ. The year is supported with retreats, service offerings, and weekly encounters with other teens and volunteers who help facilitate the group.
Eucharist (Holy Communion), typically in Grade 2.
Confirmation, typically in Grades 5-8.
The Order of Christian Initiation for Children, is the process of preparing children for baptism after they have reached the age of reason (typically 7 years old) or for other sacraments of initiation at times other than our large group, grade level processes of preparation. There is no ‘normal’ time to receive a sacrament, just whenever the time is right. If you would like to learn more about the OCIC process, please contact Amy Wyss, Director of Discipleship Formation at [email protected].
Safe Environments
All volunteers (18 and older) who have contact with students must meet all requirement for safe environments. This includes a VIRTUS course, “Protecting God’s Children” and repeating the course online every three years. Volunteers must also complete an annual background check.
Teaching Safety - Empowering God’s Children Lessons
The job of ensuring children's safety is a challenging undertaking. The prevention of child sexual abuse requires more than adult awareness, education, and training about the nature and scope of the problem. We must also give our children instruction on boundaries and tools to say ‘no’ to unsafe behavior. The Teaching Safety program guide is a tool designed to assist parents and teachers in this important task. The Empower God’s Children curriculum consists of two lessons taught in the beginning of the year, which are vehicles through which parents, catechists, and youth ministers can give children and young people the tools they need to protect themselves from those who might harm them. (Excerpts copied from
Each year, the program provides a theme that introduces and builds on the basic concepts of the Teaching Safety Guide. The material in Empowering God’s Children lessons is developmentally appropriate for each age group and includes content and activities that reinforce the message. Alternatively, parents are given the choice to have their children “opt out” of the lessons by submitting a request to do so.
Inclement Weather
In cases of inclement weather, if there is an OLGC school closure, OLGC Faith Formation a.m. programs will be cancelled. Discipleship Formation, Athletics, and Facilities will connect to determine whether evening activities will be held, and a decision will be made based on weather forecast and road and parking lot conditions. This will be decided by 1pm and communicated out via Flocknote communications, and also posted on the parish website and social media pages.
Catechesis sessions are an opportunity for children to exercise respect and virtue. If a child is struggling to behave respectfully toward catechists, peers, and the facilities, we utilize the 1 – 2 – 3 approach to handle disciple issues with our participants. First, the catechist will try to redirect the student’s behavior in a positive direction. Second, the student will be given a verbal warning. Third, the student will be sent to the Director of Discipleship Formation and the parent will be notified. If further discipline is needed, a plan will be decided on between the Director and parents. Note that catechists are encouraged to discuss any situation with the Discipleship Formation staff and the parents. Everyone is expected to work together for what is best for all involved. We strive for positive behavioral reinforcement to “catch children doing good” and reinforce positive behaviors and choices.