Marriage Preparation

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her.

- Ephesians 5:25

Steps for Marriage Preparation

Step 1: Initial Meeting

Topics to Cover

  • Determine Freedom to Marry
  • Discuss Marriage Preparation Process
  • Complete “A” Form
  • Schedule Wedding Date
  • Discuss Preparation Fee
  • Receive books used in preparation
Step 2: Making Wedding Deposit (See Fee Schedule)
  • Wedding preparation with celebration at OLGC (Parishioner of OLGC) $600
  • Wedding preparation with celebration not at OLGC (Parishioner of OLGC) $500
  • If neither person is a parishioner at OLGC $250


$300 deposit is required to secure your chosen wedding date at OLGC.
$100 deposit is required for those who are only attending marriage preparation at OLGC.

Step 3: Pre-Marriage Inventory Review
  • Completing an online relationship assessment. Your custom codes/link will be emailed to you from “PREPARE-ENRICH” within one week of your initial meeting. (Please be sure to check your SPAM)
  • Scheduling your Inventory Review Session once you have finished your inventory.
  • Attending additional sessions if needed.
Step 4: Contact Priest or Deacon Celebrating your Wedding
  • There is typically a series of meetings with the presider who will witness your wedding.
  • For weddings at OLGC: call (734) 453-0326. For weddings at another location or presided by someone outside of OLGC, arrange a meeting directly with your celebrant.
  • First meeting occurs near the end of the Alpha course, if not attending Alpha, after review of the pre-marriage inventory.
  • Additional meetings are determined on a case-by-case basis.
  • The planning of the liturgy will be completed within the last two months of marriage preparation.
Step 5: Attend Alpha Course for the Engaged

Alpha is an 11 week course exploring the Christian faith. Engaged couples will have the opportunity to grow in faith and be in community with other engaged couples.

This step is highly encouraged but not required.

Step 6: Attend the Marriage Prep Retreat (Including Natural Family Planning & Theology of the Body)

All couples attend a Theology of the Body & Natural Family Planning seminar at OLGC.

Step 7: Meet with a Married Mentor Couple
  • You will choose a married mentor couple to be a source of support and guidance through the preparation process.
  • Meet with your mentors over a period of six sessions to explore the many aspects of Witness to Love©.
Step 8: Sacrament of Reconciliation
  • It is such a gift to enter into the Sacrament of Marriage knowing the gift of God's forgiveness. For this reason, couples are encouraged to go to confession before their wedding.
FINAL STEP: Rehearsal!
  • Couples will be contacted by our Wedding Coordinator when they are within 6 months of their wedding date to discuss specific details for your ceremony.
  • Arrangements will be made to schedule a date to meet at the church to prepare and rehearse for the wedding.


  • If you are getting married on Saturday, your rehearsal will be Friday (the day before the wedding) at 5pm.
  • If you are getting married on a Friday, your rehearsal will be Thursday (the day before) at 5pm.
  • If a change is necessary to the rehearsal date, you will be notified in advance.

Director of Marriage and Family Life

Jennifer Adam

Ext. 238

Contact Me